Thymus Therapy

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Thymus Therapy


Symptom Relief 0
Better Immune Function 0
More Energy 0
Anti Aging 0

What is Thymus Therapy?

The thymus gland is the “control center” of the immune system and is located above the heart. Its role is to produce and ‘educate’ specific cells to combat immune threats. As we age, the thymus gland loses potency. The goal of Infusio’s thymus therapy is to return the cellular immune system to a balanced state with a series of thymus peptides injections. This process is thought to restore and improve the immune system, enabling new cells to target pathogens and cancerous cells. This therapy is an important – if not the most important – non-specific immunotherapy because of its ability to activate and balance the cellular immune system.

Why Thymus Therapy?

The thymus gland is located just behind the sternum on top of the heart. This gland is the center of our immune system. The function of the thymus is to produce and “educate” T-lymphocytes (T cells). These cells are critical to the adaptive immune system. The thymus changes its size and function during our life cycle. It is largest and most active in newborns, infants and in the years prior to adolescence. By the early teens, the thymus begins to shrink and thymus tissue is replaced by fatty tissue.

Due to the reduction of size of the thymus gland during our life cycle, the thymus-dependent immune response decreases the older we get. When we reach 50, only about 15% of the thymus gland still functions. This leads to a significant increase in infections, cancer, and autoimmune diseases, which increases as we get older. Thymus Therapy introduces the body to missing cell information and is thought to help restoring thymus function and strengthen the body’s natural ability to fend off disease.

It is critical that enough of the thymus hormones are present in the extract. These are Thymosin Alpha 1, Thymosin Beta 4 and Thymolin. Many thymus products contain only minimal amounts of these hormones. Infusio uses highly potent thymus extracts made in Germany under GMP guidelines.

Origins of Thymus Therapy

The method of whay we now call Thymus Therapy traces back to Dr. Elis Sandberg from Sweden, who was having promising results in treating chronic diseases and cancer as far back as 1938. He developed his own high-molecular extract called THX. By the 1980’s Sandberg had successfully treated more than 50,000 patients. In addition to the positive results of his treatment, many of his patients experienced significant anti-aging effects. This method has been used in Germany now for over 20 years.

Only in 1960 did the Australian Immunologist J. Miller discover the function of the thymus. Today we know that the thymus is the central organ of the body’s defenses. The white blood cells formed in bone marrow reach the thymus as immature lymphocytes. Only 10% of these cells are trained in the thymus and deemed fit for use in the body’s defenses. They are trained to monitor and patrol the body and to recognize foreign cells, such as bacteria, viruses or cancer cells as alien. These foreign cells are then attacked and destroyed.

Immune Cells and Their Roles

Thymus Therapy helps to restore the body’s immune cells and strengthens the immune system’s ability to fight disease.

Natural Killer Cells

These cells attack foreign cells and work together with the so-called cytotoxic cells to destroy them.

Helper Cells

These cells are involved in making antibodies. These activate natural killer cells and cytotoxic cells.

Memory Cells

These cells store information for the immune system, enabling it to distinguish between foreign cells and their own cells.

Supressor Cells

These ensure that not too many antibodies are formed and control the killer cells, preventing excessive immune reactions.

Who Can Benefit from Thymus Therapy?

Infusio treatment protocols are based on the comprehensive Five Steps to Health approach.  Thymus therapy is part of the Cell Therapy Program, Cancer Care Program and Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Protocol as an immune modulation treatment. Thymus therapy can also be done as a stand-alone protocol or as a maintenance treatment.

Patients with one or more of the following symptoms may benefit from Thymus Therapy:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Blood pressure irregularities
  • Cancer
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Chronic gastrointestinal problems
  • Chronic infections
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Disturbances of the thyroid gland
  • Fibromyalgia
  • General loss of vitality
  • General signs of aging
  • Hormonal dysfunction
  • Immune support in AIDS sufferers
  • Impotence and sterility
  • Infertility
  • Insomnia
  • Lyme disease
  • Male andropause
  • Menopause
  • Mood disorders
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Prostate enlargement
  • Poor healing of wounds and fractures
  • Rheumatism
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Skin disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Symptoms of menopause
  • Tinnitus

Clinical Applications of Thymus Extracts

The cellular branch of immunity is responsible for vigilance against chronic viruses, fungi, yeast, and parasitic infections as well as neoplasms and aging. Thymus extracts have been used clinically in a variety of ways involving some of these conditions. They have been used orally and as injectables; by themselves and in combination with other therapeutics. Thymus extracts have been used to treat severe and chronic allergies involving the respiratory tract and skin as well as in severe acute and chronic infectious diseases. The extracts have also been shown to reduce post-surgical infections, decrease the damage of chemotherapy and radiation and have been used as adjuncts to mainstream therapy for treatment of neoplasms. The review of literature presented in the following summary is a survey of the conditions treated using thymus extracts and demonstrates the research completed to date using thymus extracts: Summary of Clinical Studies of the Use of Thymus Extracts

Thymus Therapy Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Thymus and What Does it Do?

What Side Effects Can I Expect?

Usually after the 3rd or 4th application patients may see a reddening occurring around the injection site. This can last a few days and is harmless. It is a sign that your immune system is being activated. It is not an allergic reaction. If the area is too itchy you can apply some Benadryl or Aloe Vera crème to calm the reaction. During the therapy you may experience tiredness and low-grade flu symptoms. These are common side effects of the immune modulation.


General Resources

Thymus (Wikipedia)

Additional References

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