How Does Dendritic Cell Therapy Work?
Dendritic cells are found in the bloodstream and are responsible for identifying threats which the body’s immune system needs to respond to. When cancer develops in the body, dendritic cells work as antigen presenters for the immune system, ultimately making cancer visible for the killer cells.
These immune cells then attack the cancer and cause cancer cells to die off. By concentrating your body’s dendritic cells, sensitizing them to your specific cancer, and then reintroducing those cells into your system, the ‘trained’ cells can boost your body’s capacity to work against the cancer.
The goal is to have your specific cancer battled by your own enhanced or boosted self-immunity—a tailored cancer treatment vaccine.
Within our Integrative Cancer Care Program this therapy is combined with immune modulation treatments to increase the amount of immune cells. Other supportive therapies are added such as Regional Hyperthermia to increase the cancer visibility.