Концепция Инфьюзио включает в себя пятиэтапный комплексный подход в преодолении расстройств здоровья. Неважно, с каким заболеванием мы помогаем Вам бороться — мы чувствуем, что эти элементы лежат в основе успешного лечения. Наш девиз — «Инновации через интеграцию».
A functioning immune system is the foundation of health. Immune modulation involves bringing the ratio of the different immune cells back into balance to enable the immune system to function correctly. This is very different than simply boosting the immune system. Restoring healthy immune function is especially important for patients suffering from autoimmune disorders and cancer.
Mineral depletion and lack of vital substances can throw our system into disarray and make us more vulnerable. By applying orthomolecular medicine we use vitamins, minerals and amino acids to promote health and healing in the body. High intravenous doses of these agents show a pharmaceutical effect and can have an immediate impact on the immune system and metabolism.
Our body is continually confronted with toxins. These are found in the air we breathe, in the food we eat, in our clothes, in furniture and even in our teeth. In order to optimize the immune response and reduce side effects of treatment, the body needs to be free of heavy metals and toxins. Damage to the immune system by such toxins is often associated with the outbreak of chronic disease.
There are conventional and non-conventional methods that directly attack a disease. A balanced approach to therapies is the key. Not all standard treatments are bad and not all alternative treatments are good. In fact, we try to avoid the term ‘alternative’ as we feel that it is important to incorporate the best of each approach into an integrative therapy.
Patients are professionally guided to recognize patterns in their life that may have made them susceptible to disease. This might include providing solutions for stress management and lifestyle coaching. Through forms of bodywork the body’s own perception and inner balance is increased. Deep-seated tension and internal stress are released and the self-healing powers of the body are stimulated.